I feel like I've just limped across the finish line.
My first semester back in school is done and I am...
What am I?
Exhausted, relieved, proud, disappointed...
I'm all sorts of things, all at once.
I wish I could say I finished strong, but my commitments all started to muddle together there at the end and I know I dropped a few balls in this Great Juggling Act. But I finished.
And now.
Now for Christmas.
The most wonderful time of the year!!!!
I really hope you have a wonderful Christmas. And some really nice down time too.
So Gloria was asking me today if you'd be available one of the days--Christmas Eve, Day, or Sunday--to play a special number or two. If you're at school tomorrow, come look at the music at my desk :)
Hmmmm....I'll come see you in the morning :) Christmas Eve would be best for me as we plan to be at the service anyway.
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