Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's Berry, Berry Cold

I know I've said before that I love to see the strawberry fields in the morning when we've had a freeze. But I've been waiting for an opportunity to show you what it looks like. The farmers turn on their irrigation systems to coat the berries with icy insulation. It minimizes the damage, I guess, by preventing them from getting colder than 32 degrees. So you end up with the sun rising over fields of sprinkling water, rainbows, icicles and berries. So pretty.
I pulled over to the side of the road on my way to work this morning. I tried to find a corner of Fancy Farms where there weren't any news reporters or farmers monitoring close by. I didn't want them to feel like I was invading their privacy or hampering their work, you know. Protecting strawberries is business that I take seriously. I really, really like to eat strawberries. The safer they are in the cold, the more there are for me to eat later!

See the rainbow? It was a nice surprise.

Ice isn't much of a novelty in most parts of the country. But it is here to be sure. And I would suspect that you don't see green plants covered in ice just everywhere.

DAILY BLISS: earl gray tea and the feeling of my trench coat with wide-leg pants (I don't know why, but I love that swishy feeling when I walk)


Mary said...

That is pretty awesome.

Amy Button said...

I love it!!! I also used to love it when people would turn on the sprinklers in their front yard and the trees and house would be covered in ice.

claibornes corner said...

very pretty - I think I have the flu.....

mindy said...

ooh, i love these pictures....especially that first one!