Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Door

My life's path has narrowed quite a bit these past few months, as I've previously (over)shared. We were having dinner with some friends last night and talking about, you know, The Big Stuff, and the way I put it was that, as things squeeze down on a person, you start looking for a door - an exit onto a new path. Everyone has those times in life and in the past, as those times have come my way, God has always


opened a door for me.
I think that what has been frustrating for me this time around is that nothing has opened. I have been desperately looking for that open door and have even decided I'd jump through a window if that's all that came my way. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I know some of you have been worried about me (as is evidenced by the arm pats and furrowed brows and how-are-you-doing-honeys). I'm not really going to jump out of a window.
So I have felt like I was fumbling around in the dark, with no inkling of what to do next - of how to make things better. And it's been a pretty long fumbling season.

But today, I think that door has finally opened up. My piano teacher called me.
She and her husband run the music studio where my kids take all their lessons and I love the philosophy of teaching and the welcoming environment that they provide for kids of all abilities and ages.
I had my first piano lesson last week and she called me today to offer me a few classes - not to take, but to teach! I would like to state, for the record, that when I hung up the phone, I bawled like a baby girl. I mean, I can't quit my day job or anything like that, and it will add an incredible amount of extra busy-ness to our already incredibly insane schedule, but I'm stickin' my foot through that open door so that it can't close back up.

And I'm so stinkin' excited about it!


Amy Button said...

Yay!!! I am so very excited for you! Of course, I'm wishing that it meant you could quit your day job but baby steps I guess. Praying it leads to bigger things...

Mary said...

Amen, amen!!!! I am so excited for you. What a great opportunity and I wonder if there are a few more doors that aren't ready to burst open for you. God likes you!

mindy said...

sooo happy and excited for you! what a great opportunity. :)

Christina said...

"Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." --Goethe...and we all know you've got plenty of boldness :)

You may not have thought of it, but you are teaching Andrew and Emma to follow their dreams...and maybe some others of us, too...

Jessica said...

I agree with Christina! There are a lot of people out there in the same place as you and waiting for their small but perfect door to open up. Your jumping in and I LOVE that! It's definitely very encouraging and I'm excited for you!

claibornes corner said...

go for it with all you've got - remember I started my dream at 30 - look where it got me - almost 30 years of doing what I love to do - opening other doors (like Art) - and mostly married to your Uncle!!!!

frabjouspoet said...

Hooray! :)