Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lucky 13

Today is my 13th wedding anniversary.
As I think back on it, most of you guys were there. That's pretty cool!
We spent a quiet day at home and enjoyed a nice dinner out (sans children), a cup of coffee, and a visit to the book store. No big surprises or anything like that. But...after 13 years, comfortable feels nice.
We don't always need deep conversation and excitement.
Sometimes, it's just enough to sit across the table from each other and smile enough to wrinkle up the corners of your eyes.


Denise said...

Happy Aniversary Christy!!! Yeah...13 years!

60ish and Glad said...

When you hit your 50th I understand you smile across the table at each other because there is no point in talking. Neither of you can hear anyway.

Mary said...

Happy Anniversary! Keep smiling!

Amy Button said...

Happy Anniversary!!!