Do I even need to type words here? I think the pictures tell enough of the story. Five and a half pounds of blueberries in less than an hour. Can I brag a little bit? The girl at that weighs the berries was impressed with us. The main aisles are pretty picked-over by now. Obviously, we went deep into the bushes to get so much so quickly. What are you to do when you are two lonely girls living on a desserted island, whose only source of nutrition is the wild blueberry? You must forage thoroughly. That's what you must do.
Regrettably, the pies once again escaped the eye of my camera. I apologize. Perhaps I will have to be more stealthy next time. Yes. There will indeed be a next time.
Oh...yum. Blueberries are one of the best things ever put on the earth. I know there will be acres of them in heaven.
Heard the pie was wonderful!
Beautiful and perfect! Thanks for the pictures- I'm now drooling *and* jealous ;)
Oh wow, those look so good. Where is this? I think I might have to go pick me some if you ladies didn't get them all :)
Jessica - it's a farm on Shady Oak, off of Knights Griffin Road. Once you get out there, there are signs. They were $5/pound, which isn't super-cheap, but definitely worth it. Also, we're having Knitting Night on Friday if you want to come :)
Email me if you want the phone number for the farm or if you just want directions!
I don't have your email, so I figured I'd just comment again. Friday night I'm going out to dinner with some friends for my birthday, or else I'd LOVE to come to knitting night! Bummer. I think I know where the farm is. Could I get their phone number from you? Thanks!
Yum. It's a little early here for blueberries, but I cant wait. And these are gorgeous pics, btw.
Hey Jessica - sorry! I thought, for some weird reason, that I'd given my email address to you before :) Guess not!
Anyway, the farm's phone number is 512-1547.
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