Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Rescue and Some Beards

I came in to work today and met a turtle outside my office. He was very lost. He looked at me helplessly and I knew instantly that his name was Petie Turtle. It turned out not to be Petie the Turtle, as I'd initially thought. We have no lake or retention pond anywhere near my office, so I have absolutely no idea how he got there. But I called Katelyn who hadn't gotten in to work yet and asked if she and her sister (who is visiting from Michigan) knew of a lake that we could help Petie find, since I don't live nearby and have no idea where a lake might be. She said yes. I put him in a Staples paper box and he tried to get out. A lot. He was very scared but he liked for me to talk to him. So I spent a good hour leaning over a box talking to a frightened turtle this morning. And by the time he left, I really loved him.
The final report was such: as soon as he saw the lake, he got very excited and scrambled straight to it as the instant his feet touched the ground. He jumped right in the water and swam around a lot. Goodness only knows how long it had been since he'd been in the water! The girls stayed a while to watch him and make sure he was happy. And he was. Consequently, I was too.
So, it's been a good week, in which I rescued Petie Turtle (maybe it's spelled P-e-t-e-y but I can't be sure as he did not bother to spell it for me) and exactly three ants, whose names I never did find out, that had snuck inside on some gardenias.

And also...why didn't I know about this earlier? There is a World Beard and Moustache Championship!! We all know I'm a fan of the facial hair. I don't know how I missed out on being a judge. With great categories that include "Freestyle Partial Beard" and "FuManchu," this is a really comprehensive showcase of the ridiculous things testosterone can force a person to do. I'm just sayin'. You will get a good chortle out of perusing the galleries of present and past winners.

Daily Bliss: an hour in the fabric store by myself and the lovely anticipation of a new project in my mind
Wake-up Playlist: It's Not Easy Bein' Green (In my defense, I was dreaming about gardening. This much I do know. Whether this ties to the deeper meanings of this silly tune I can't say.)


yakobus said...

Did you sing the song with Petie? He would probably have liked it.

Christy said...

OHNO! Jacob! I totaly should have! I can't believe I didn't think of that. That's probably why I was singing that song. Somewhere, my mind knew I was going to rescue a turtle first thing in the morning :) And being green certainly wasn't easy for him.

claibornes corner said...

I'm so happy you rescued Petey the Turtle. I always hated to see them in the road and would stop and pick them up!

Amy Button said...

OK, my own turtle story. One day at SEU I was walking into the bathrooms in the Science Building (you know where that is) and outside the door was a teensy-tiny turtle completely covered in dust and dirt. He was so cute and it was so sad. I have no idea how he got there. So I set him free over by the lake. I rescued a soft shell turtle one day too- lots of wildlife in Florida. I didn't name them though :( It's nice to have something little and sweet to break up the monotony of the day.

Mary said...

I have some great beards in my family history. I wish I had more pictures of them, but as the Amish are apparently skittish of razors touching their chins and cameras as well I have a lot of beard memories but few photos.

Christy said...

Amy, I can totally see that happening at SEU! Especially in the Science Building. Ugh.

Mary, I sure wish I could have seen some of *those* beards! I'm sure they were fantastic ;)

60ish and Glad said...

Oh Good heavens Amy! You probably rescued the parent of of the turtle who laid eggs outside Spencer Hall! We protected the next for days...It was quite the scene. One baby turtle was found trying to get in...I told him the better hall was down campus in the new building. So we took him to Lisa's house (friend of Christy's).

Beards were very very VERY funny. And the mom's shawl meter is very very VERY exciting.