Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Hard Row to Mow

I just finished mowing the lawn. Ugh. On a Sunday morning, no less.
Let me back up.
Normally, the DH mows the lawn. I do the grocery shopping. That's how Saturdays go around here.
I have been badgering him to take me on a date. We haven't been out on a date since, uh, before Christmas. There is no small amount of shame in this admission. He left yesterday for a pretty long business trip and Thursday night, he said he had a proposition for me. I took this to mean something else entirely. But he said no, in fact, he wanted to offer me a deal. The lawn had to be taken care of, but if I would do it Saturday, he would take me out on Friday. Deal.
So, we went to dinner on Friday and saw that Pirates movie at the $2 theater. Whoop-de-feakin'-do, you might think, but it was nice. It's what we have money for right now and, truthfully, I don't care whether a movie has a plot or not, as long as Johnny Depp is dressed like a pirate in it.
Did I hold up my end of the bargain? Well, I had a friend that was moving Saturday, so I helped her out with that and by the time I was done, the afternoon rains had rolled in. So the mowing did not happen yesterday.
Our church has moved its meetings to Sunday nights for now, leaving this morning wide open, so I had to mow this morning. Why did I have to, you ask? Because the grass gets super-tall here in a week's time during the rainy season. And because of the type of mower I have. Last year, when I was not working outside the home and had time, I convinced Chris to buy me a little push mower. You know the kind? No gas, no starter, just man power; reducing our carbon footprint and all that sort of thing. I love my little mower, but our life circumstances have changed a little and the responsibility has fallen back to Chris. But self-propelled? Not so much. This baby is propelled by my cardio-vascular prowess alone. Which is not that impressive as princesses do not like to sweat. And the taller the grass gets, the more work it is to can see where this is going.
My mom called to ask if we wanted to go to church with them this morning. Normally, I would have said yes, but I had to mow. "You have to mow?" she asked. "Yes," I answered.
So I did.
I got stabbed in the scalp by a Spanish Bayonet in the front yard, and I ran over a large anthill in the back yard, spraying my bare shins with angry little beasts. I had to mow north-south and I had to mow east-west, due to the sheer depth of the lawn and multi-directional growth. It was arduous. But I did it.
Now I have to clean the house. Sigh.

DAILY BLISS: Well, it's pretty early yet, but I really enjoyed my coffee this morning. It was exceptional.


frabjouspoet said...

We had one of those mowers when I was a kid. I'm impressed that you are able to mow an entire yard with it. I don't think I would mind it so much because I love thinking while working like that.

Christy said...

I am really glad that I didn't spray cow patty all over my shins. That would definitely interrupt the thinking-while-working process :)

60ish and Glad said...

Wow. What an interesting story Mary! I remember mowing with a push mower. Never sprayed myself but the neighbor had a REAL mower and I was embarrassed that we did I would mow real early in the morning so no one would see me...except all the neighbors going to work. But "no one" was the neighbor boy Alan Havens.

BTW what does DH stand fo? "Dah Husband"?

Christy said...

LOL, Mom! That's pretty close - it's Dear Husband.