Friday, September 7, 2007

What I Want To Do

I am nearly there! This will be a long night of accomplishing things, hopefully followed by a long morning of accomplishing things (and sending my Aunt Claiborne some sugar scrub) and then I go to get my hair cut tomorrow.
Many of you get hair cuts on a regular basis, but I do not. Why? Because I see a hair guru. He is master of my tresses. He is expensive. Well, not unreasonable, but expensive for me. But he is soooooo worth it. So, you see, I hope to have my list done in order to bask in the loveliness of what Jimi Bob (Yes, really. Jimi Bob. He carries his scissors in a gun holster.) is likely to do to my hair. Without having to break a sweat and ruin the spell. My sis-in-law and my daughter will be joining me (and probably my son, who will rue the moment he woke up), making the afternoon even better. We will stop at Anthropologie and the yarn shop I've been dying to check out. This will really ruin Andrew's day. Maybe I'll let him bring his Nintendo thingy along. Then, you know what? I'm going to go to bed on Saturday night. And I'm going to sleep and sleep. That will be wonderful.
For tonight, I'm going to put on my purple polka dot pajamas (I know I've mentioned them before) and my iPod, and set to work: killing the ants that swarmed my kitchen today and making some things and putting some things away and, and, and.....(yawn!)

DAILY BLISS: Impressing Julianna at work today with my mad database skills (I have an absolutely geeky love for organized information) and wearing red pants.


Mary said...

Sounds fun...poor Andrew. You need to make sure and get a picture of Jimi Bob and his holster. This cracks me up.

frabjouspoet said...

Wow! You wore red pants. I wore red patent leather shoes today. :)