Sunday, November 4, 2007

From Knissues to Tissues

What a gorgeous weekend! We have had the windows open all day and night and got a lot of cleaning done. I hate cleaning, you know.
It's been a little rough. Things are in such a state that I just walk into a room (say, my room) and feel so overwhelmed that I don't even know where to start. It's a good thing Chris has been there to help me out. He just keeps plodding steadily along in the cleaning-out-before-the-holidays routine. Me? I walk into a room and eventually lock on to one thing that is out of place. I pick it up, put it away, walk back into the room and feel overwhelmed again. I have to sit down for a while. Or else, I pick something up and on my way to put it away, find something else I could grab that goes in the same direction, and by the time I get back to the first place I was, I've completely lost track of what I was doing and feel overwhelmed. And sit down for a while.
I guess I've been tired and overwhelmed a lot. But now I think I know why. We were having the most lively discussion tonight during church about the existence of God outside the bounds of time and nature. If you remove those constraints from your ideas of God, it really brings interesting interpretation to scripture and is maybe not the place. I'm certainly not a physics expert, nor a student of theology. But, midway through our wonderful discussion, my nose filled up. Just like that. All of a sudden. And I'm sick.
No wonder I've been tired. I've just been too busy to notice that I was getting a cold. No biggie - it seems to be just a cold - but it's a nuisance anyway.
I made my way to the Super Wal Mart to get the groceries that I should have gotten Friday night or Saturday morning. A surprising number of men shop late on Sunday nights. There I was - the only girl - sneezing, sniffling and shuffling.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I guess.
But that is all I can think of to say. My brain has just stopped right there.

DAILY BLISS: cinnamon tea on a chilly morning and a new washing machine (new-to-me, that is, and a big relief since mine has been broken for, like, two weeks)


claibornes corner said...

Poor Baby - you need some chicken soup for your soul!! Hope you feel better soon. Love you, Nana

Mary said...

Sorry you're sniffly. I would have liked to have heard the conversation in church last night. Sounds intriguing.

Christy said...

It was definitely intriguing. It's a concept that I love to try and wrap my mind around - all time occuring at once. It gives new meaning to the "cloud of witnesses" that Paul talked about, and to the present, relevant and real sacrifice of Christ's life. He is, right now, sacrificing for me....always....
There are so many things that are different if you look at them that way. But, alas, I am much better in conversation than in a monologue. It's usually best if I try not to expound on group conversations by myself!

Christy said...

Oh - and we got it out of "Mere Christianity," which we've been studying through most of the year. It's been a great source of conversation in our group!

Amy Button said...

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that gets completely overwhelmed in a messy room. Travis says that anytime things are a wreck I take a nap. I keep hoping I'll get over it.