Thursday, May 3, 2007


Hey - we're house-sitting for my parents.
Three red-headed poodles (including mine), wireless internet and cable tv! Yessss! I have had my fill of HGTV and Food Network. I now know about a man who restores vintage stoves in Georgia. That's as close to lust as I've been in a while. Filing that one away for later - I mean for when I remodel my kitchen.
I have folded 100 little white boxes (while watching The Office) in which to put happy little jars of sugar scrub and lotion and milk bath. My little creations will be sent off to New Orleans on Saturday.
The kids are also enjoying the cable - though their tv privileges were revoked today due to a back-seat brawl that I will not detail here. It was shameful.
In spite of this generally disagreeable behavior, Emma received a student of the month award this week. She was very impressed with herself as Andrew always is nominated early in the year (every year). I have photos and will try to post sometime when my camera and my little cable are both in the same house.
It seems that I made a mental list thoughout the day of all the wonderful things I was going to write about here. That list has evaporated. I'm seriously drawing a blank.

DAILY BLISS: Edy's frozen fruit bars (the lime ones!), folding bulletins with Julianna at work, and watching way too much tv.

<3 Christy

1 comment:

frabjouspoet said...

When I was single, my only criteria for house-sitting was that the house needed to have a bathtub and cable. I, obviously, had neither in my apartment. :)