Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What I have been up to:

I am very busily pretending to be an entrepreneur. That's about all I'm doing right now. When you toss in the regular stuff of work and parenting, that's about all I can handle. I've been rather snappish with the DH, poor thing. He's very forgiving and has been helping me with cooking AND with the dishes. Maybe I should be snappish more often? Nah.
Took Em to her monthly private ballet lesson today. She really loves having her teacher all to herself! I'm one of those weird moms - maybe I should say I'm THE weird mom, because I don't know any others who do this - who directs the music and flails her arms about in the air pretending to be a ballerina when they dance to Tchaikovsky - my very favorite musical storyteller. Emma has come to love the drama of Romeo and Juliet, which I own on vinyl, and played as I went to sleep for at least my entire tenth grade year of high school. Probably longer than that. I know the places it's supposed to crackle and skip. That's kind of sad.
I had a nice boyfriend who bought tickets for us to see the Florida Orchestra perform this, among other glorious works. We were late and missed it, as it was the first piece they played. Ah, well. BTW, he didn't last long.
Wish me luck as I am trying to coordinate a way to repay, all at once, all of the lovely mothers who have had my children over to their houses over the last couple of months. I am contemplating a pizza party. There will be at least five nine-year-old boys. Holy cannoli. And maybe a couple of kindergarten girls. Yikes!

DAILY BLISS: I finally printed some sugar scrub labels that worked! That is a sweet victory, and I also learned to use SnagIt in the process. My brain is thinking of so many applications in my life for this wonderful little software. I know - I am very backward since I have not heard of it before. I apologize for being so behind-the-times. Sorry. This is turning into another paragraph. Sorry again.
Other Bliss: The gorgeous moon shining into my back yard.

<3 Christy


Mary said...

The moon was beautiful. It shone on our little red car as Kris and I drove home from our ultrasound Monday night...It was smiling to itself because we're having another boy.

Christy said...

Oh - how wonderful that you were the one that made the moon so happy! Congratulations to you both!