Monday, May 28, 2007


Oh the most, most, most wonderful thing happened to me today. My mom made me a pie. This may not seem magical to you, but maybe you will understand if I explain a little bit...
I have had some weird food allergies/sensitivities cropping up in the last couple of years. I have been slowly figuring out what they are and have come up with enough of a list that, yes, I will be seeing a doctor about it. I couldn't get in until July, though, so in the meantime, I am stuck eating soy-free, dairy-free and gluten-free. Giving up coffee creamer and ice cream was bad enough. Then soy became an issue too, so I had to go to black coffee and rice milk with my cereal. Ugh. But gluten?? Come on! That means bread, pasta, cake, cookies....anything made with wheat, barley or rye. That means I haven't had much in the way of sweets and even chocolate is out of the question. Can you imagine? Me without Hershey's? It's an empty, dreary world indeed.
Anyway, my mom pulled out my great-grandma's chocolate pie recipe after she realized the filling didn't have any milk in it. Stroke of genius! She went to the healthy foods part of the grocery store and found rice flour and quinoa and whipped me up a special chocolate pie - with a crust, even!
So you see, this was indeed the nicest thing that has happened to me in a very long time. I had Andrew take a picture of me with the pie, fully intending to post it here as a testament to the miracle. Chris just thought that was too weird.
We had a fantastic cookout this evening (which came in a close second to the pie) and my youngest brother had us all in stitches - all fourteen of the family and dear friends that sat in my parents' living room tonight. Andrew read an article about the history of Memorial Day and Emma drew a picture of a man saying the Pledge of Allegiance, standing next to the flag.
Summer's now here, in spirit anyway. But I won't start my summer until the solstice. I guess I'm old-fashioned. But at least my belly is full of chocolate pie.

DAILY BLISS: Serious progress on the porch painting and the sheer number of my dear ones that are all living in the same town.


Mary said...

Bummer on the food allergies. Congratulations on the pie!

Joe said...

Yay for pie! And solstice! How pagan-y of you.

Joe said...

Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that I think that Christy and the Hypo-Allergenic Pies would be a good name for a band. Or a children's book.

Christy said...

Hmm....I'm gonna go with the band, but I would probably have more success with the children's book. I really did laugh out loud at that one :)
And yes, most people initially find it very pagan-y that I celebrate the solstices and equinoxes (is that even the correct plural?) with my family. I get really into it - I'm a total dork! The thing is, though, that I do it partly as a celebration of MY faith....but most people who share my faith are a little put off because of the pagan-y connotations. I guess I relish being a little subversive :) Really, I just like an excuse for a theme party.
If anybody has time or cares, here's a couple links to copy and paste....they're photos of my annual Autumnal Equinox party. I go all out for that one!

frabjouspoet said...

I love that you celebrate the solstices and equinoxes. What's wrong with celebrating God's creation?

Joe said...

Put off by mixing pagan festivals with their Christianity? No more Easter for them! Well, the parts that aren't specifically about Jesus, anyway.

The early christians knew how to strike a compromise, and they knew a fun Saxon festival when they saw one.

Your party looks like it was awesome. Fall is my favorite time of the year, too, even though it's followed by winter, winter, and winter (up here, at least).