Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We had a nice line of storms move through last night. You all know how stormy weather calls me out to meet it on my porch by now.
The porch lights were off and dinner dishes were being taken care of (thanks, Dear Husband); I walked past my front door and saw the shadows of palm trees moving around wildly.
So I went out to join it.
Standing in the dark, I could feel the atmospheric tension. The air was still and dense one minute and windy and chilly the next. I decided it was angsty weather.
That works for me, as I've been living in a similar state.
Don't get me wrong - I actually like feeling this way.
It's easy to get a little caught up in the debates that rage in the minds of most women. For some of us, it's a quiet sense of discontent and for the rest of us, it's a loud argument that distracts from the tasks of the day and leaves you scattered and fumbling through the day.
Is it true that a girl should take care of herself first, then her family, so that she has more of herself to give? Should she instead sacrifice her own needs, albeit temporarily (they'll be grown before you know it after all), for the sake of her family? And what exactly are those "needs" that should be sacrificed? Hobbies? Time to invest in friendships? And wouldn't her kids be just fine in a public school so that she could afford to stay at home and add some square footage on to her house so she can stop trying to squeeze a three-bedroom-two-bathroom-and-a-garage lifestyle into a two-bedroom-one-bathroom-and-a-carport life?
Okay...maybe that one's in my own head.
Not that my answer to that ever changes, but still, the question is there.
You can get lost in that sea of self-doubt and desire for the kinds of change that only come at a high price.
Then something like raindrops always slaps you in the face and you wake up to the realization: "Hello-o-o! It's storming out here! Get back inside!"


Mary said...

I usually go with sacrifice...for several reasons and not all of them are good ones. However, I do often eat before trying to feed my kids because I can be violent when I have a sugar low. :)

I suppose contentment cannot be summed up in the whole, as well as it can in the moments.

Amy Button said...

I love Florida storms, they make me sleepy.

Ah, the constant struggle between sacrificing and kids and everything in between. There aren't any easy answers but turmoil typically signals change coming. I'm praying you guys figure it all out.

Christy said...

I do too, Mary.
And thanks Amy. I agree with you regarding turmoil and change. I find myself wondering what turns my path will take this time around. I don't think it's anything earth-shattering. I don't think...