My friend at work, Katelyn, has never been in Florida while the orange trees are blooming. In my estimation, there is no better time in the world than that for a picnic. So, I brought all my picnic best in a basket, packed up my picnic quilt, and we headed out in the back of our offices to spread out our lunch.
See Katelyn's cute toes? We had fresh strawberries, sesame seed flatbread, a little goat cheese (mostly not for me, though), a colorful salad that Katelyn made with cilantro, black beans, couscous and red peppers, and some iced tea with lemons. A nicer lunch hour has seldom been enjoyed.
Something about those trees, frothy with blossoms, and the smell of it all makes me want to just tear off all my
and run out to play.
But my beautiful dress and I had to face the rest of what Friday afternoons bring to us. Namely, endless shuttling of children from place to place.
We had to get some gas and pick up a birthday present for a friend of Andrew's. Then we had to head home and grab all (!) of our instruments and music, pack Andrew's sleepover stuff and get the heck out of Dodge. We have to go to the other end of town to get to the music studio and the traffic is just ugly at that time of day. But we made it on time (this week). Usually, I knit during this hour. But today, I just wanted to be still and aware of my surroundings.
We hadn't any tape for the present-wrapping, so we had to borrow from the desk of the music studio.
Emma has only one lesson, while Andrew has two. She likes to read the books they have in the lobby of the studio once her lesson is done.
And I just sat there. For a whole hour. Just listening and being still.
We did enjoy our traditional birds' nest breakfast for the first day of spring and once we made it home we potted a few more of our upside-down tomatoes. I promise some big photos of the whole thing once we've got everything upside-down-and-running. I think it's going to be great. Unless I kill all the plants.
DAILY BLISS: major compliments on the natural ability of my son - his teacher really thinks he's got something
What a beautiful picnic. I looooove the smell of orange blossoms or any other citrus blossoms for that matter. We used to have grapefruit trees. I didn't like to eat them but the blossoms smelled amazing. And your dress is perfect for the Vernal Equinox.
You won't kill all your plants :) You've already had some success which is *fabulous*.
Tonight the air was thick of orange blossoms at our friends' house. We sat on the porch and had supper. Your picnic looks amazing.
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