Wednesday, May 9, 2007


We are wrapping up the insane last weeks of the school year. Emma's had two field trips within the past couple of weeks, Andrew has two this week, we have a joint field trip coming up on the 21st.....all of them have to be paid for, some of them require sack lunches...
Drew has a piano recital and a choir concert in the next week, I had to finish my service hour requirement for the school (I worked in the library-that was more fun than supervising a room full of sweaty kids, I guess).
We have summer day camp and swimming lessons to arrange, vacation bible school and all the crap you have to already do for next school year. We had to already order school supplies (I didn't get that form in on time-guess I'll have to brave The Aisle at WalMart in July) and sign up for piano and band. Not to mention chess club and science club - both of which Emma will probably join with Andrew this year.
(Heaving sigh)
I find that I am falling asleep when I sit down for more than a few minutes. That's very odd for me. Sleep doesn't usually find me, even when I am obviously waiting for it in my bed at night. Having sleep find me in broad daylight? It's cause for concern.
Did I mention that we're throwing a pizza party for six boys and two girls on Saturday? That'll be going on while we try to finish painting the porch.
OH! By the way, it looks like we're winning a historic preservation award from Historic Lakeland, Inc. We were nominated earlier in the year (for the work we did on the porch) and the reception/presentation is on Monday the 14th. I am trying not to allow this to be just another item on my list. I'm super-proud of my house, and I'm surprisingly passionate about making it into what it should be.
Sorry to run down my to-do list here. I really didn't mean to. It just came tumbling out of my fingers as I tried to think of what to write.

DAILY BLISS: Making my famous oatmeal cookies for Andrew's piano recital (I'm pretty much just famous for salsa and oatmeal cookies, but not together) and wearing pigtails that stick up on the top, even though I'm every bit of 30 years old.

<3 Christy


Joe said...

Preservation award? Sheesh, that's cool. Great job!

Christy said...

I know, right? I wasn't even aware of such awards when we ripped the awful jalousie windows off the front porch and replaced them with lovely columns. I just knew I wanted it to be pretty - and fairly authentic. Okay, I did a lot of dorky research on bungalows too.

Mary said...

Ah, the list. It can be overwhelming but it is such fun to tackle and such triumph to complete. Way to go Super Mom! Just don't forget to lean now and then. I'm sure you have plenty of shoulders you can count on.

Christy said...

I do have plenty of shoulders - I would never make it without the supporting cast :) My kids have a rich and wonderful family cushion surrounding them - that means I do too, I guess. We even have uncles that volunteer to go on the field trips that Chris or I can't make it to. What a blessing!