Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Slippery Slope

Well, I need to be honest, here. I spent a lot of yesterday evening - okay, all of yesterday evening - in my chair, watching tv.
Self indulgence!
It seems that once I sit down and rest, I don't want to get back up again.
But I totally blissed out meeting up with Mindy at Starbucks for some coffee and a little public knitting yesterday afternoon. I'm teaching her to knit. She will be awesome. Plus, it will help me to feel less crazy if there's somebody else around that Knows About It.
So, I faced down today with such good intent. I got up and looked Today square in the eye and said, "I'm back now. Throw at me what you will, and I will not even visit the Mama Chair once." And I must say that Today behaved quite nicely. I must have been making my scary mom face. I've heard that it can strike terror in the hearts of grown men. I had a lot to do at work today, and I did most of it. It was not the kind of day where sound effects like "zing!" and "zap!" follow you around (in your head), but it was a decent, accomplishing sort of day.
I think I needed that.
Maybe it was the leather boots I wore. Red strappy heels might have induced zing and zap, but leather boots Mean Business.

DAILY BLISS: a new printer at work (hooray! it works with Vista!), puffy sleeves that don't make me look like a pirate, and free coffee samples from Starbucks to take home and brew later


Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

That's it. I'm getting my own Mama Chair.

Mary said...

Way to take on the day! I have the same problem with my comfy chair. Once Kris is home, I punch out and the chair has me. I have to plan ahead and be doing something when he gets home and commit to not sitting in that chair until I'm done, or the kids are in bed.

Amy Button said...

Way to set the day straight! I'll have to try that sometime. Although I'm not sure that my "mommy voice" is as threatening as my "mommy look" thogh :)

60ish and Glad said...

Oh this means my cardigan is giving you pleasure. I want that more than the sweater. Now that's a LOT.