Monday, May 12, 2008

Anybody Seen My Bootstraps?

I need to find them so I can pull myself up.
Eh, well. That sounded dramatic.
I still don't know what to do about my job, but we have summer almost handled. Just two more places to register for camps and then I get to schedule the easy stuff - like 15 minutes a day of piano practice or ballet practice and at least one game of chess between the siblings. I like to make checklists, even if my kids don't like what happens when I make them.
But I spent my Monday hour (I only have two more Monday hours before Chess Club is over for the school year) enjoying my Mothers' Day presents and I even took a bath. Afternoon baths are the best - the light is so nice in the bathroom.
So, among other things, I got a straw cowboy hat to go with all my sundresses:

And I got a couple of new dresses. I think I'm now prepared for No Pants Summer. Here's my favorite dress:

My new dress and I sat on the porch with Jose Gonzalez.

Jose, the dress and I felt the breeze and drank iced tea. And I put my feet up on the table:

It was very nice.

DAILY BLISS: Mothers' Day chocolate. Good thing I've given up jeans for now.....


Mary said...

I like that dress.

Amy Button said...

It sounds like a great day. I love the dress too!

mindy said...

cute cute cute!! glad you enjoyed the chocolate, btw....every mom deserves to indulge now and then. :]

claibornes corner said...

I love the dress but you won't catch me in a cowboy hat!!! An ole lady straw hat - that's me!!