Sunday, May 25, 2008


We shared a wonderful experience with the kids tonight. Mostly with Andrew. Emma didn't really get it.
We joined him as he partook of his first UHF viewing. Some of you know about this, some of you don't. This is an old Weird Al Yankovic movie that, sadly, defined my teen years. I say sadly because it defined me as a total dweeb. But I still liked it a lot. Enough to have watched it over and over and over, which is saying a lot because I don't do that with movies.
Andrew got all the jokes and laughed and recognized lines from the film (I use "film" loosely) that have made it into the family vernacular.
It's one of those things. It definitely doesn't appeal to everyone's sense of humor. But I am proud to say that my almost-middle-schooler got it. Hear that, Kelso? My boy got it. I feel like I just found the marble in the oatmeal. Do I get to drink from the fire hose now?

DAILY BLISS: granny smith apples in my oatmeal and shoe shopping (!)


60ish and Glad said...

Well - as long as he doesn't try to teach poodles to fly!

Mary said...

I know I'm not the Kelso you are referring to (he's upstairs asleep) but I'm laughing my head off. I honestly wish I had seen that movie a little younger because seeing it for the first time in your late 20's has a different effect. Not that I can't appreciate poodles being tossed from windows and commercials for Spatula City...I do. Really. I do.

Anonymous said...

I always knew I liked that kid!

- Kris

frabjouspoet said...

My teen years were defined by an unnatural love for Piers Anthony's Xanth novels. That ranks pretty high on the dweeb list, too. (Now I *have* to rent this movie, you know.)