Julie over at
Red Hen Studios tagged me for a seven-random-things post. I am never one to refuse such a request from a stranger (hoping they might like me enough to come back), so....why not?
I've been having trouble thinking of 7 things that you don't already know about me. I've done a few of these before and, let's be honest, I kinda let it all hang out here. I'm supposed to tag 7 more people, too, so I apologize in advance.
I'm going to take a cue from Julie here with my first item:
1) Many people are astonished to learn that I've never seen The Wizard of Oz. I haven't seen Top Gun either. No reason, I just haven't. I didn't seen Gone With the Wind or ET or any of the Star Wars movies until after age 20 or so.
2) I was really shy when I was younger. Painfully so. And very inhibited. I've gotten over a lot of as I've grown up, but my body hasn't gotten the hint. I still blush furiously when I'm angry or when I laugh too hard in front of other people or when I do something my younger self would have considered embarrassing. It's like my brain doesn't care, but my body just hasn't gotten the message and I go all red from my toes to the tips of my ears.
3) I'm very clumsy. One time, I ran into the corner of a wall and knocked myself out. Seriously. I was by myself and I woke up with a bloody lip and headed for the chiropractor next thing. Most often, you can find me with tiny scrapes and bruises all over and I'll have no idea how they got there.
4) I majored in bassoon when I was in college (actually music performance with a double emphasis in bassoon and piano). My college career didn't last long, but part of my problem was that it is actually very difficult to look cute while playing the bassoon. I'm just sayin'.
5) I always wanted dimples. In the 7th grade, I had a friend with dimples and when we would sit at the lunch table, I'd contort my face in all sorts of ways while she searched the creases for any possible sign of a dimple. When I tighten my lips just so, I get the tiniest one under the right side of my bottom lip. Megan Newman found it for me. Turns out, my Grandma Bucklew had one in the same spot - I just found it this year in a photo of her. But never fear - I married a man with deep, darling cheek-dimples. And he gave 'em to my son. Sigh. Gorgeous.
6) I have trouble sleeping. I mean, not so-so bad, but it helps to be wearing the right thing. I can't get comfortable if I'm wearing sleeves or anything with elastic around the waist or anything with too high of a neck....you get the picture. But having children has seriously inhibited the way I
prefer to sleep (ahem). Especially since I have no bedroom door. A cotton chemise is my best friend.
7) Um, um, um....remember how I was counting the number of televised spits in the World Series games? I have a weird habit of doing that kind of thing when I'm bored - zeroing in on something and making patterns or games with it. In my freshman music theory class, my professor used to say, "Now then..." when he transitioned in between subjects or started to talk or, you know, just whenever. It didn't take me very long to start counting up (along with my wickedly fun friend Tiffany) how many times he said "now then." I kept a running total, using tally marks, in my folder. I suspect he may have caught on. I'm sure our giggling and snickering clued him in.
If you need to know more weird stuff about me (you know you just want to prove that at least you're not as weird as I am!) you can see my previous lists
here and
Now for other people I'd like to hear from.
Julianna - you've been silent for a while on your blog.
Ali (I never can remember if it's one "l" or two...) - ditto
Mom - I mean, I know you're weird....I get a lot of it from you
Aunt Claiborne (Nana) - 'fess up
Becky - I never tire of hearing your secrets
Liz - I'd love to know a little bit more about you!
7) Um.....
Mindy. You fit in our family so well. I know you must have secret weirdness.
There are more people I'd like to ask, but I'm not brave enough (Kate? You readin' this?). And if you feel like playing, please do!
Rules, which I may or may not have followed and I won't hold you to them either. I mean, I'm totally not doin' number four. I just want to know all your weirdness. You can even post your list in the comments if you'd rather.:
1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.