Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some Bragging

My little girl was tested today for the Alpha program at school. She passed with flying colors and, while I've decided to keep her numbers to myself, suffice it to say that she is on the far end of the bell curve when it comes to IQ. I am very pleased and oh-so-proud.
I made it through the rest of my day and went to a thing at Andrew's school tonight. And when I came home, I ate my dinner late and sat down in the Man Chair with a trashy novel from the Dirty Book Lady at the church where I work. She made another drop of books last week, leaving a tied-up grocery bag of paperbacks next to my car at work, reeking of cigarette smoke and mothballs. I always feel obligated to pick one that looks the most innocuous and read it, just in case she asks which one was my favorite.

I intended to sew a little bit. I have my machine sitting on the kitchen table, which means that we are eating around the coffee table until further notice. This set-up is intended to spur me on to finishing things. It doesn't usually work because I am a little rebellious - even when I'm the one that makes up the rules. Especially when I am the one that makes up the rules.
So, my intentions were good. But my husband was doing the dishes, and next thing I knew, he was heading toward me with a steaming mug of...
"What is that?" I said.
"It's decaf," he said.
"Oh my! Thank you! Why such a lovely surprise?" I asked.
"Because you said yes."
Hm. Well, I have a hard time saying no to things, but what had I said yes to?
"What did I say yes to?" I asked.



And a wave of warm tingles spread all the way from my chest to my toes.

DAILY BLISS: eggnog coffeemate and smart kids


Mary said...

That is so sweet.

Way to go Emma!

claibornes corner said...

We are all very proud of Emma and Chris - G-ma told me tonight on the phone! But I still think there is an artist in there - maybe she will be artistic and have a good business head - which I do NOT!!

yakobus said...

tell Chris i'm stealing that one & saving it for later

Christy said...

Jacob! Thanks for finally dropping a comment, and I'm sure he will be flattered that you'd like to use one of his lines. Hey - when you find one that works, you've gotta hang on to it :)

Nana - never fear. She always identifies herself first as an artist. And I don't see that changing. Besides, being able to function with both sides of the brain is the amazing thing here!

Liz Harrell said...

How sweet! And I'm cackling about the Dirty Book Lady. What a great title. :)

Amy Button said...

Congrats Emma! And to you and Chris too for producing such brilliant offspring :)