Sunday, June 24, 2007

Midnight in the Garden of Pancakes and Bacon

It's been a lonely sort of a time for me lately. I mean, lots of good things are going on in my life, but my friendships have sort of been set aside for a while to make room for the stuff of daily life. But I have been rescued. Redeemed, even. My Becky came to town and we stole away for a scintillating middle-of-the-night trip to......IHOP. Dangerous girls, we are.
This is our regular meeting spot when she's in town. We giggle and cry and talk for several hours over pots and pots of decaf coffee. Usually pancakes too, but with the recent food happenings in my life, I stuck to a fruit bowl this time. Well, and some hash browns.
Boy did I need that. It's amazing what three hours with a deep friend can do for a girl's soul. We certainly didn't solve each others' problems, but we commiserated - and isn't that what we girls want, anyway? Someone to hear us - really hear our hearts - and someone to see all the way into the real us. And to love us anyway.
I still had to wake up after very little sleep and fix breakfast for our church, plan a lesson for the kids, vacuum and stuff (Chris did his fair share too), but I feel worlds away from who I was yesterday. I'm awfully sleepy, but that's probably a good thing. Maybe I'll drop right off into dreamland tonight.

DAILY BLISS: Nearly cleaning my whole desk (formidable indeed), the anticipation of a day off tomorrow and pulling a pair of jeans out of my "Hopeful" Box to find that they fit again!


Mary said...

Good for you on having a wonderful time with your dear friend. I know it's hard to make the time to do those things, but so rewarding when we do. Have a happy day off tomorrow!

frabjouspoet said...

Oh yes, we do need those moments! Why do they always seem to happen in the wee hours of the morning?

Christy said...

I wonder about the wee hours thing myself! I think that when you are sleepy and it's dark outside, your inhibitions just fly out the window. You maybe feel safer in the dark talking about things that are secret or something....and sharing secrets is the whole point of girl time! It has been since the days of slumber parties!

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

I haven't yet blogged about that sweet moment in my visit to FL. It was indeed a redeeming moment, wasn't it? We got somethin' girl.