Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Every now and again, insomnia descends into my house and hovers around my bed. It seems I can fall asleep anywhere but where I'm supposed to. Ballet practice? No problem. Driving? It seems possible. Singing a lullaby in my kids' bedrooms? Definitely a cinch. But not in my own bed.
It's been about three nights now since I've had decent sleep. One night I was disturbed by dreams of being trapped in some sort of militia compound. Another night I dreamed that my teeth were falling out. Last night....um, I dreamed that kittens were all over my house. They were coming out of air vents, hiding behind the toilet, under the sink, and other places. I know that doesn't sound nightmarish to you, but my kids have allergies. I spent all (well, okay, both) of my sleeping hours trying to get rid of cute little fuzzy kittens that really just wanted to be snuggled. I hated to hurt their feelings.
Suffice it to say that I didn't wake up feeling like I was rested. Not even two hours' worth of rested.
It sounds like there may be something disturbing going on in my subconscious.
I used to be really into dream interpretation. I'm a little nervous to really think about these right now. I'd just settle for six hours of sleep in a row. That'd be nice.
Someone sent me a lovely picture of a lady in a bathtub on a raft in a lake. It was a Kohler ad, I think. Obviously this friend knows that I love to take baths. But I thought it would be a good focal point for helping me sleep. It took a lot of concentration and it seemed that I was trying so hard to focus on relaxing that....
You get the point, I guess.
I spent my day at work making sure our member database was correct by going through all the paper files. I might have been able to fall asleep at my desk had the phone not rung several times.
I hope I dream about being able to eat cake and ice cream again. That would be nice.

DAILY BLISS: afternoon coffee and wearing pigtails


frabjouspoet said...

Well...I know that dreaming of losing your teeth means you feel like you aren't being seen or heard in your life. I've had that dream several times. I've also had the militia compound dream, but I never had the courage to look it up. For an entire year I had those dreams every single time I fell asleep. I didn't sleep much then.

Christy said...

Hm. I suppose that makes sense. I haven't had time to really worry about what's going on in the depths, if you know what I mean.
I know that I wasn't trying to get out of the compound in that dream....just was in it wandering around with the knowledge that I couldn't get out. I'm pretty sure that I know what it means, but I don't want to think about it until I've got time to deal with it :)
BTW, I'm not at all surprised that we dream the same stuff.

Joe said...

Dreams are odd things and are poorly understood, from a Neuroscience perspective. They probably "mean" very little, in the ominous sense of the word.

My dreams are usually unremarkable, but the do often occur in the same locations (most of which I have never seen). Other than that, they are pretty normal.

Sorry to hear that you are so tired and sleep deprived. I'm sure that I will be in the same boat soon enough. :-)

Christy said...

What interesting and diverse perspectives! I tend to not take dreams TOO seriously. If they are particularly vivid, I usually give them a little thought until they make sense. Most of my dreams are very easily related to what is going on in my awake world. Not so much a warning or a sign as just reliving what's going on in my everyday life. In particularly strange ways.
I have recurring locations in my dreams, too. Of course, when I am dreaming, I know exactly where I am. But it's funny that there are neighborhoods, houses and stores that are completely constructed in my dream world. I visit them often :)