Monday, June 23, 2008

Everybody's Got an Angle

That's what Bing Crosby said to Rosemary Clooney in White Christmas, anyway.
I thought a few words should be said about the seemingly magic camera angle from the post about cheating with that pair of pants. I will attempt to give all you amateurs (that is one step above the level of photography that I have attained) a few pointers on achieving a slimmer-than-you-really-are appearance in photos.
1) Wide waist band. It hides a world of evil and last night's chocolate. I realize this is not a photography tip. It's all I have to offer.
2) One thing about wide waist bands is that if you happen to be wearing, erhm, underpinnings as, say, a fun little experiment, they can kind of sink into your hips at the sides and give you sizable jelly rolls on the top and the bottom of the, well, dainties. Right in the middle of that smooth, wide waist band. It's important to flatten those out before you take a picture. Also, that's maybe not a photography tip.
3) Vertical stripes on the pants. It cannot be overstated that this is helpful. More of a shopping tip, there.
4) Maybe the only photography tip here (and it's one that pretty much everybody knows anyway): It's always more flattering to be photographed from above the focal point than below it. Try this out at home. You'll see. Unless you're going for that whole 70's-era, looks-like-my-feet-are-as-wide-as-my-bell-bottoms look. Then you want to shoot up, as it were, otherwise known as "from below."
5) Take 73 shots, adjusting the folds of the pants and smoothing various bubbles in the "fabric" until you achieve the one "money shot." That's the one that makes your ample size, well, let's just say it's more than 10, hinie look like a size 8. Okay. More than 12 too.
Note to Mindy: they're not seersucker, though now that you mentioned it, I kind of wish they were. They are kind of a pillow ticking denim-y fabric and I've always associated pillow ticking with summer for whatever reason, so I do love them anyway. Maybe, on second thought, the pillow ticking kind of contains my, um, folds and bubbles (see #5) better than seersucker.
Inspirational? Probably not. Do you now know what a dork I am? Probably so.

DAILY BLISS: Coke Zero, a suitcase full of passed-down embroidery (I think I'll learn that next so I can finish my great-grandma's tablecloth....), and lots more rain


claibornes corner said...

You still look great!!!

Liz Harrell said...

This is too funny. I'll be sure to pay attention to these tips in the future! ;)

60ish and Glad said...

Good grief. I'd rather look fat in my pants!

Amy Button said...

I'll make sure to remember that if I ever decide to photograph myself in a pair of pants. Too funny!

mindy said...

oh well, even if they're not seersucker they still look darn cute!