Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day Six - This One's For the Boys

I took one final trip into Boston today. The Fourth of July Dress and I were feeling a little patriotic and decided it was our duty to visit the Most Patriotic Brewery of All.

Now, each and every person who found out I'd be in the Boston area this summer told me something I had to do while I was there. But my dear husband, my friend, my love, said, "You know, the Sam Adams brewery is there! You could go and take a tour and have samples!" So, in his honor, I did just that.

Upon arrival, I was informed that I could partake in a very special event - a taste test between two new brews that they are considering. I get to vote for my favorite and whichever one wins the most votes by a certain date will be produced sometime next year! So the guy at the gate, he told me that the choices were Coffee Stout and Blackberry Witbier. "Both are excellent morning beers," he said. Ha! Morning beers! These guys really mean business.

The tour was really informative and I got to taste the different grains they use, but not the hops. Hops is for smelling, not for tasting.
See all that lovely beer?

See the brewmaster (should that be capitalized out of respect? is it one word or two?) with the beard from their commercials?

We went on to the tasting room. Also fun and informative. Here's what's on tap today.

I did feel a little awkward on a tour that mostly consisted of couples, and one group of special needs men....that was interesting. One lady finally turned around and said hello to me. She asked if I was here all by myself. I said that I was. "Good for you!" she said. She and her husband are really into beer. I mean it. So anyway, I think she meant that in a good way and not in an "aww, honey" way.
The brewery was completely on the other side of Boston from me. It was a loooong haul, but definitely worth it. On the way back, I made a pit stop at the Old South Meeting House downtown for a nice, quiet look into a bit of Tea Party history and little souvenir shopping. By this time, I was schlepping around an awful lot of Sam Adams merch in a bag. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and sat outside by a fountain. Trying to blend in, I put on my iPod. It must have worked because somebody asked me directions to somewhere. I said I was a tourist, but thanked her for the compliment. I don't think she understood how hard I was trying to blend in.
So, my parcels, the dress and I were joined by an Iced Venti Passion Tea, no-sweet-please, and we conquered the way home.

I didn't even get lost once this time.
Good for you, honey! And not at all in a condescending way.


claibornes corner said...

You are just becoming such the traveler!!!! Don't ya just love Boston!!!

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

OMG, Iced Venti Passion Tea is my new addiction. It totally got me through every morning without my kids. YUMMY! And the beer... I only wish I had been with you.

Liz Harrell said...

Wow. I'm impressed! Wish I could go!