Thursday, April 26, 2007

At Odds

I am at odds with technology today. Every time I have touched something with wires, it has acted in rebellion against my commands. Okay. Maybe I was more commanding than just touching, and I suppose that can engender a spirit of rebellion.
I don't think I am fated to be a digital girl. I balked at my first digital camera, trying hard to smile in gratitude at my Masters-Degree-in-IT-holding mother and father (yes, both of them) as they handed me this expensive treasure.
"But I like surprises," I was thinking as I realized I would no longer have the joy of anticipating the revelation of the great for the mysteries I had captured in the dark, closed parts of my camera.
And so, I find that I am blogging. I hope this goes well.

DAILY BLISS: My mom told me today that she believed in me. Everybody needs to hear that sometimes, even if they already know it's true. Also, free pizza and six-year-old girl hugs.

<3 Christy


Joe said...

I tolerate technology in moderation. I enjoy watching baseball on our old-school HDTV (Common question: It has a tube?). I like to play PC games. I listen to music on the stereo, etc. However, I can not understand why people insist on walking around listening to their stupid iPods. Every time a new device comes out touting more features (TV on your phone? WHY?), I shake my head. People are already disconnected enough with the outside world, and disconnection breeds all kinds of bad personal habits (apathy, hostility, lack of compassion, etc.). There are lots of things worth listening to that don't require batteries.

In short, I support using the old things that work just fine without getting silly about embracing "new technology" just because it's "cool" and props up the economy (LCD picture frames? Come on! What a waste of resources!).

Sorry for the rant, but I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and your timely post brought out the anger.

-Henry David Thoreau

Uh.. I mean


Christy said...

Your maniacal diatribe is certainly safe here! Though I admit to having an iPod, I don't know how to use all of its features and I don't use it in public (except at Wal-Mart when I need to tune out the mothers swearing at their children and the brats throwing tantrums on the floor in order to earn a new toy....).
I like old things too. I like to listen to music on vinyl. Some of it just isn't the same without that homey crackle. I believe in repurposing/reuse - my desk is made out of an old door from my old house and a pair of discarded table legs that no longer had a slab of wood on top of them. I make picture frames out of windows.
My children are not allowed to own game boys. I like my kids - as people, not just because they're mine - and I want to know what they think about stuff. I want them to learn the importance of relating to other people - to value others and be genuinely interested in the world.
We only own one tv - and it's NOT in a bedroom. Or on a phone. Anyway, before my rant gets any more out of control....I guess I'll just say that I agree with you!

Christy said...

Also, I detest playing keyboards. I cannot stomach less than a real piano.

frabjouspoet said...

Well let me add to this. I just don't understand the appeal of tuning out the world the way we do. One of my favorite surprises is coming home to an actual letter MAILED to me with an envelope and a stamp. I just LOVE them! Email is fine, but nothing...nothing tops a handwritten note.