Sunday, April 22, 2007

Where Does the Time Go?

This has certainly been a busy weekend. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, aren't I? I am a person who values quiet and peace and nature....I can handle the busy, but I don't like it. After a while, I have to just walk away from it. I'm just about there.
Friday night was so windy and lovely. Chris and I sat on our porch and enjoyed a nice bottle of wine. We had bought it at that wine-tasting party and just remembered it was waiting for us, which is good, because we have run out of money this week. A bottle of wine that we don't have to pay for? To go with our supper of only rice? Fantastic! So it was a lovely evening, and as we didn't have money to get a movie or something, we were forced to visit with each other.
By Saturday morning, we were off and running with the weekly errands. I went to my mom's house to print some stuff (her printer is way nicer than mine) and got a call from my friend Mark. I call him sometimes to brag about our weather because he left me and moved to Boston, a.k.a. Colder-than-us-ton. He was telling me that it was a beautiful day there. I told him it was way too hot here. He said he thought it was about the same temperature here as it was there. Then I remembered that it was, in fact, quite lovely here. I had forgotten the lovely weather and even the evening I had just enjoyed because I had been so otherwise focused. I know this is a small thing, but to me it's huge. I ALWAYS know what is going on outside. I have obsessive crushes on meteorologists. And I always relish things like evenings on porches for as long as humanly possible. Sometimes for days.
At any rate, that simple realization startled me right out of my busy.
I'm re-thinking a few things and re-arranging a few things. I have to. I don't like who I am when I can't really listen to my friends, or when I say something like "chimney" when what I really mean is "kitchen timer." Side note: that actually did happen to me today, my excuse being that I was reading the word "chimney" at the moment. But on a normal day, I can read and talk pretty much simultaneously.
Becky's husband got really sick this weekend. That worried me too. Our current family life would collapse if one of us was decommissioned.
Anyway, I decided to relish sleeping in a bit, with the windows open. The Awake that uncurls itself from your stomach up to your head (like one of those party noisemakers), the kind that makes your arms stretch out and forces you to yawn, is much nicer than the Awake that slaps you in the face when your alarm clock goes off. Besides, with the windows open, I can sleep until the chickens my neighbor keeps start to cackle. And they don't wake up until around 8:00, probably because they don't have a rooster over there to keep them in line.
I suppose there's a lot more that could be said about this weekend - the mundane stuff of life - I pulled a tick off my dog today. That was a first. But I guess I'm looking a little deeper today.

DAILY BLISS: Making biscuits in my favorite vintage apron, playing in the fort outside with my kids (hence the dog's tick, I suppose), and taking a Sunday drive.

<3 Christy


frabjouspoet said...

So much of what you said is exactly what I've been thinking about lately. I'm finding myself relishing in dinners I throw together from what I scrounge in the kitchen, my vegetables growing, and earnestly finding again the real me. She's lost in the busy-ness.

Christy said...

I knew this would happen when I went back to work:( Ah, well.